Wednesday, November 25, 2015

thermotron management Rent-A-Retort/Hire-A-Harpie- harassment is OK

thermotron management - Destination - your time as a thermotron lier and thief


Detect Lies Like LIE TO ME! - Scam School-- Thermotron management training--


sure -- get your training at thermotron-- with thomas bannach and

roger cannady and his associates-- as Gregory V Johnson -- bragged that it's ok to lie-- cheat-- steal and rob your co workers and the customer--

Hil sybesma said he had the same problem as thomas bannach-- and they went to each others "church"

Dave Water field -- the roger cannady "replacement" said that the offices that roger cannady and associates -- managed -- stood out "like a sour thumb"

because of the robbery thief and embezzlement-- and Roger cannady -- denied to on "one" single field service engineer man on the west coast that asked him about the embezzlement!!

Roger cannady and thomas Bannach -- then libled and slander that Man-- for asking a "question " like that!!

yes After that  that MAN   was "drumed out"   he worked worked at Russles technical Products--

and when Bill Bench asked why he left Thermotron employment--

Bill Bench was "surprised " that he said that thomas bannach and his gang-- HAD a problem with--

lying cheating stealing and back stabbing his co workers

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

thermotron management training - Do I Look Like An Idiot?-- Ask the Prez....

About 1,810,000 results

Thursday, November 19, 2015

thermotron management training--Hurray! A Journalist Actually Questioned Obama's Leadership!

employee Harrasment was common at thermotron

Human Resource's was just a rubber stamp gang at thermotron

The manager's at thermotron bragged that they could lible and slander the co-worker and every-1 would believe their lies..

At All Temp engineering mitch Kerr referred to it as

"Digging for dirt on the employee" The West Coast was a "Den of Liars and Thieves"

Mitch Kerr was asked if the "Embezzlement rate" was as high when he was there,

the average amount was about 10,000 dollars a year, this was to compensate the "low wages" and the policy of "no raises" at thermotron.

Dean tripp said " it no longer mattered if you did a Good job or a Bad job, anymore!

Ask Daniel J. O'Keefe what the embezzlement rate is or the new "liar" in his place.

1 comment:

Jimmie Menon said...
That is so funny to hear that somewhere it is common practice to harassment an employee. It is a crime now and the conditions of workers have been getting better every year.

Jimmie Menon
Payroll Providers Guelph

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

thermotron High School Enemies holland michigan church training

thermotron High School Enemies- management training

thermotron management training find something 2 blame Training with Elaine Johnson

when thomas bannach was on the west coast– he said “it’s Ok to lie cheat steal embezzle and defraud everyone–”
BECAUSE they are all corrupt– Gregory V Johnson bragged how he and Thomas Bannach libeled and slandered and drummed out all their co workers–
Gergory V Johnson said he “knew” that Thomas Bannach was not going to give a job review to his co worker’s because — He was “told by Thomas Bannach to “MAKE-IT-HARD- on the employee’s
and harass them–
because “conspiracy with intent to defraud – the employee — is the thermotron style

thermotron management-- Funny Field service Moments South Park- mocking your co workers is fun

Yes 4 more than 30 years — Mitch Kerr has been involved with thermotron and field service — repair–

Mitch kerr tried to be the replacement sales man — in the San Jose offf and replace Bill Sloningter. Who had moved to the seattle office — Mitch Kerr asked th then Predesent Daniel J okeefe — if there was opportunity for advancement —
and Daniel Joke-efe — said sure — for some people — (but not 4 mitch kerr) — so Thermotron Human Resoursed — hired a sales DOOR KNOCKER w/o any experience — and Mitch Kerr — said HUH??? what the F+*ck !!
so he hustled a Job at ENSECO — and thomas bannach — offered him a 0.25 cent raise — to stay — at thermotron–
and 30 years later he is still in the game–
and hil said that he was a liar and a deceiver because “he is a company man”

and besides — embezzlement is called working the system 
and his Replacement Gregory V Johnson– hired by Thomas Bannach — spen 3 years robbing and embezzling al he could–
Yes– as mitch kerr said– field service training at thermotron and thomas Bannach — was — just a WIPPING BOY- 
 who — the manager could put the blame on — and as thoMAS BANNACH SAID– BURN THEM OUT AND REPLACE THEM WITH ANOTHER ASS–HOLE
Manufacturing Production HVAC/RefrigerationProductionHollandMichigan 
Field Service Technician HVAC/Refrigeration (Providence, RI)Field ServiceProvidenceRhode Island 
Refrigeration ApprenticeProductionHollandMichigan 
Capital Equipment Sales Representative (Raleigh, NC)Sales and MarketingRaleighNorth Carolina 
Field Service Engineer HVAC/Refrigeration (New Haven, CT)Field ServiceNew HavenConnecticut 
Controller / Accounting ManagerAccountingHollandMichigan 
Field Service Engineer HVACField ServiceProvidenceRhode Island 
Field Service Technician HVAC/Refrigeration (Detroit, MI)Field ServiceDetroitMichigan 

Friday, November 13, 2015

thermotron training fred plont that's not my wallet- Being a Good Former Employee

ok start here

and then — after thermotron — fiels service liar– slander– cheat– embezzler

thermotron former employee.. BY—By… has-been’s are common at thermotron

thermotron former employee.. BY—By…

Being a Good Former Employee
I am not going anywhere. If I tried to leave my job, particularly right now, I can think of a dozen people who would hunt me down and bring me back.

So don’t take this as some kind of broad hint.

I just thought about the issue of being the former employee because I had a very funny dream two nights ago where I went back to visit where I had worked at and was scolded by a former boss (who I happen to like a lot) because I was late to an event where they all dressed up in Revolutionary War costumes (go figure, it’s a dream, o.k.?). Jo, I’m sorry, next time I won’t be tardy!
I’ve been a former employee a few times, and I have plenty of experience with former employees as well. The more closely entwined you were with the operation, the harder it can be to change roles. 
One new complication is that in our ever-connected, always-on world, moving on can be much more difficult. In the old days, you got in your car and drove out of the parking lot, and that, for the most part, was it. (Though even in Olde Tymes, not everyone excelled at being a former employee, as I illustrate below.) But now people who were in our lives before are just an email away (just as they were when you worked there). The former place of work is often visible right there on the Web, with frequent updates about new projects and activities. An instant message shimmers on your computer screen, and in the moment, it can be hard to remember that you aren’t back in your old office, your old role, your old job. 
Leaving is no longer just a physical act, a car door slamming and a wave good-bye; now it’s a commitment to shift your role to that of the former employee. You have to be intentional. It’s possible that’s really easy for you; but at least one of these tips might resonate. 
(I am only tangentially addressing the complexities of moving from a last job into retirement. We had a former editor at MPOW who did it all just right and moved on with a well-thought-out plan for her new role . She continues to be my role model. But that’s a post for another day.)
So, Michael-Stephens-style, here’s my top ten list for former employees (or about-to-be-former-employees):
1. No matter how you feel, go to the going-away party, say gracious things, and squeal over the presents. You will appreciate how cleansing this is. (Actually, I adore parties and presents under any circumstances, and have many fond memories, so definitely don’t take this point as a roman a clef. But I do speak from first-hand knowledge.)
2. Make amends before you leave with anyone you were on the outs with. For rationale, see #1. This, I have had to do, and it was good.
3. Do not breeze out of there with the cop-out,
 “Questions? Just call me!”
 Act as if you were traveling to another planet and would be unavailable for oh, say, a few million years; make it hard for them to need to call you for information.
 Document everything you do that isn’t obvious, including all your passwords and usernames, expiration dates, renewal notices, etc. Put it in a folder or binder or something else unavoidable. They may not use it (one former place didn’t open the binder for several months, until after emailing me they realized it really did have information they needed). Nevertheless, it’s the right thing to do. 
4. Clean your office. Take everything that’s yours. 
5. Return anything that’s theirs.
6. Be sure to say goodbye to the people who made a difference: the accountant.
 The mailroom team. The UPS man who left little gifts at the holidays. The volunteer who showed up even on days like Christmas Eve and the Friday of a holiday weekend. The very young page who quietly showed up on time, shelved the books, and didn’t make a fuss. 
7. Remember you don’t work there any more. (This is a particular sticking point with some former bosses. 
In talking to other managers,
 I have detected a pattern, rare but real, of “About Schmidt” behavior, where staff have to tiptoe around former bosses who do not quite grasp the “former” part of their new status.)
If you still live in the area, avoid “just stopping in,” at least for a while.
(And if you think you can’t, interrogate your motives.) Even if you have plenty of time on your hands, don’t offer to volunteer; it might be hard to say no to you, and your motives may be more complicated than you realize. 
8. Watch your social interactions very carefully.
Think before socializing with former employees. Likewise, if you were in a significant role and you are suddenly befriended by an employee from the former library, think through what’s going on. It could just mean that a former employee wanted to socialize with you and didn’t feel free to do so before, which is a benefit of moving on, but it might not be motive-free.
 Be careful about “casual” email exchanges, which might not be as casual as they appear. Above all, bells should go off if you are approached by staff asking you to offer your opinion on a workplace issue. 
9. Refrain from criticizing changes that take place, even if you vehemently disagree with these changes, even if these were changes you fought off for years. That means don’t complain publicly, don’t complain to former staff, and don’t complain to the former employer. You can write that long, excoriating email full of juicy bon mots about all the mistakes made in the current regime, but delete it before you send it.
 Then move on. If you find it hard to let go, remember that great line from Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore: “Don’t look back, or you’ll turn into a pillar of s–t.”
10. Every once in a while, check in to say you miss people, that the place looks great, that the new whatsis service is inspired, that you remember the good times, that you learned a lot and took what you learned to your new job or into retirement.
If you’ve been a good former employer, they will be glad to hear from you, and you’ll feel good, too.

Monday, November 9, 2015

thermotron management - The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea

thermotron non compete contracts– sign this- or we will drum you out or worse

thermotron management – Holding Up the Wall,—Non-compete agreements are illegal in California. Drive By Management, an…evey-1- is the manager

yes you can be a manager at thermotron– Hil sybesma demenstrated the concept of every 1 is a manager at thermotron–
hil sybesma worked was the only person in a branch office– his main area ofcontrol was –
– the telephone — answering machine–
but he did teach his co-workers how to embezzle a little bit every day-
– and darn if he was ‘t a skilled liar–
when he ws promoted to sales man– he took a pay cut– — just to get a better “Title”
and when he QUIT the job at thermotron– they were so — sorry to see him leave–
that thermotron filed a 1 million dollar law suit– against him — just because of loyality–
and besides management had made him sign a non-compete – clause– because you can’s control what you don’t own..
California Non-Compete Agreements
Quick Summary
Non-compete agreements are illegal in California.
Many companies are unaware of his fact, especially
since non-compete agreements are legal in virtually all other states.
However, there are two
exceptions in California.
Non-compete agreements
re enforceable for partnerships and when someone is selling their ownership nterest in a company. A
related topic is the protection of trade secrets.
A company
an prevent the use of its trade secrets, but it cannot prevent fair competition.
Non-Compete Agreements are Generally Illegal



However, an over-broad CNC may prevent an employee from working elsewhere at all. English common law originally held any such constraint to be unenforceable as a matter of public policy.[1] Contemporary case law permits exceptions, but generally will only enforce CNCs to the extent necessary to protect the employer. Most jurisdictions in which such contracts have been examined by the courts have deemed CNCs to be legally binding so long as the clause contains reasonable limitations as to the geographical area and time period in which an employee of a company may not compete.














Many companies seek to protect their business by requiring that employees sign agreements to not
compete with the company should they leave employment. However, unlike in many other states, non-
compete employment agreements are illegal in California. Business
and Professions Code § 16600 provides that “every contract by which anyone is restrained from
engaging in a lawful profession, trade,
or business of any kind is to that extent void.” Section 16600 invalidates agreements to preclude
employment in a certain line of
work. The section has also been construed by California courts as invalidating agreements that seek
to prevent former employees from
accepting work from any of the former employer’s clients. (Morris v. Harris (1954) 127 Cal.App.2d
476.) A former employee may also
solicit employees from his or her former employer if unlawful means or acts of unfair competition
are not used. (Diodes, Inc. v. Franzen
(1968) 260 Cal.App.2d 244.)

thermotron management – Management Coordination and Utter Apathy

thermotron management – Management Coordination and Utter Apathy


thomas w bannach – Management Coordination and Utter Apathy

thermotron manager training with Thomas W Bannach
Thomas Bannach said that every one was the manager when he got his opportunity on the west coast– When the employee’s asked him for a better understanding– he said
“welll—that’s the –Problem—!!! ou shoul know what i –am thinking—
Dean Tripp– the last of thermotron’s SENIOR field service engineer– said–
thomas bannach always was trying to “BUILD A CASE AGAINST HIS CO-WORKERS–
and that — he promoted Back-stabbing– so that everyone was a SNITCH–
so he drummed out 90 % of the employee’s — and libles and slandered them —
and always said”” Welll we didn’t lose much..

thermotron Organisational culture manager training

thermotron Organisational culture manager training

Organisational culture
A popular definition of organisational culture is “the way things are done around here”
1 and a recent public inquiry described culture as an organisation’s “personality – sometimes overt but often unstated – that guides the decision-making process at all levels of an organisation”
. 2 Underlying most definitions and descriptions of organisational culture is the idea that “Official policies specify what management wants to happen. Corporate culture determines what actually happens, and which rules are obeyed, bent or ignored.”
3 An organisation might espouse particular stated values but its culture will show its true values.
How can organisational culture help to prevent corruption?
The importance of an organisation’s culture to the prevention of workplace corruption lies in the effect it can have on the behaviour of employees.
If an organisation has a strong culture employees can feel pressure to comply with the prevailing culture and behave in the same way as most other people in the organisation.
If that culture – or “the way things are done around here” – allows, or even rewards, improper or corrupt behaviourthen corrupt conduct is more likely to occur.
Conversely, if the culture is one that encourages and rewards compliance with policies and the organisation’s values then corruption will be less likely to occur.
Senior management and line managers are in the best position to influence the ethical culture of an organisation by promoting and enforcing policies and accountability controls. Case studies at thermotron–
robbery thief embezzlement — building a case against your co workers — in Holland michigan — it is normal to be dishonest and a pervert

thermotron embezzlement training–JOHNSON, GREGORY V Citrus Heights, CA–Citrus Heights, CA

Truth and Tradition – Part 1 of 2 – By Michael Rood– thomas bannach thermotron liar

yes at thermotron
thomas bannach bragged that his lies were the “Truth”
When Roger cannady the former National Service manager– was asked about this– his response was “Well i’ll accept you resignation” if you don’t accept out lies.
After daniel j O’keefe fired him — 4 not swallowing— his lier and deceiver Dave Water Field said– he believes thomas bannach’s lies—
and “I heard — about you”
as thomas bannach bragged that–
1.. if some one did a good job– he would lie and say they did a bad job
2. if some one did a bad job— He would lie and say they did a GOOD job
3. If some one needed help– he would lie and say they didn’t need help
4 if some one didn’t need help he would lie and say that they needed help..
because at thermotron– ever one would believe his lies

Thoman w Bannach for City Council- thermotron training-embezzlement tip #892

yes hil sysbesma said this guy had thomas bannach “around his little finger” so he and thomas bannach
harassed and drummed out all the co-workers
robbery , thief and embezzlement — lieing cheating and stealing leading astray and character assassination is the preferred way of a Holland michigan thermotron employee

embezzlement tip #892

If you really want to be good at supplamenting your income .. contact Gregory V Johnson..
Ask gregory v johnson about the embezzlement rate… he bragged that he was not as big of thief as hil sysybesma..
Carmichael, CA
Citrus Heights, CA
When you ck into a hotel in the morning.. 8 or so on the way to a job.. return to the hotel at 9am and cancel your stay.. and keep a copy of the receipt..
And file it with your service order as if you stayed there..
call it BONUS money.