Sunday, December 27, 2015

Thermotron - Testing Megaphones- field service product support

thermotron tamera kenndy – human RE-sourse- pervert training- + embezzlement

Thermotron — tamera Kennedy–Girls Don’t Poop – human resourse

when i worked at thermotron– human resourse– called me up and asked me what i wanted
 for my 5 year award– ( a ball point pen- or a ??)
well –– Gee i think thomas Bannach is gong to drum — out everyone– out !
 so as not to leave any one left who might talk “bad” about him-
– and as Virginia Norris said– said — well if they are going to “harass you and drum– you out — then
i’ m quiting this company– as the sales and service support person–
so she was replaced with the 5th person — that left because
thomas bannach the holland michigan Pervert and Thermotron slander achieved his objective again–
and Chad the next  Field Sales Engineer– said– hey how do you get customers to — make time to go to lunch with you??
and Gregoy V Johnson– the lyer and thief– said — well who can say ??-
so now that northern california thermotron office — is closed– because
thomas bannach libled and slandered the employee’s
and promoted robbery –thief– embezzlement–
– becasuse he was leaving the sinking ship– and going to ENSECO chamber co- with Randy Bunn–
where he would lie and steal, and embezzle — for a few monthes more — a
and then ENSECO would go to his house — on the week end and fire him-
– i guess he should have called up Thomas Bannach at Thermotron– or maybe Roger Cannady and  associates– as he was their  inner circle who was a false wittness and defrauded his co workers–
theis is why marty rich former employee– said that Gregory V Johnson– wished he was back at Thermotron– with Thomas Bannach–
because at Thermotron  — it was OK it lie cheat steal and embezzle — a little-bit every day
yes loyalty– and fraud — is the only motivation factor– at Thermotron–
Remember the customer is “stupid” and will believe the lie-
– “Well–we’ made some changes sence then”

Saturday, December 12, 2015

The r mo tr on Man song-- Good people are an option - lying and embezzling are FREE

The thermotron Family - Dinner Conversation - with bo bjarno former employee and Gregory V johnson

hermotron sales…man.. never change– got an e mail… from mr Bo Bjarno.. and i guess the 2 years he worked for thermotron .. were less that satis–factory…

thermotron management training — for beginners

thermotron sales…man.. never change

ya i got an e mail… from mr Bo Bjarno.. and i guess the 2 years he worked for thermotron .. were less that satis–factory…
BUT … he came on the sein..sean..seen…on…sight..
the same way… he left… thermotron.. drunk!!! 
He arrived .. by.. Drumming out Joyce Palmer… and creating a drama .. and hassle.. in the california off.. with thomas bannach… the west coast reginal … liar and dispatcher..
this was followed… by 4 other personal.. changes… in the course of 2 years…
this is an example of the type of job … that thermotron Human resourses.. does.. in holland michigan..
people like … Tamera kennedy… or BOB..the. Barber…
ya the next was .securtary was ..Von….. followed by chryl (black).. then vergina Norris.. follow by… her replacement.. after bo bjarno..
was told to “HIt the door.. “
and don’t let it hit you in the ASS…
after thomas bannach conspired to defraud the sales man -

- Gregory V Johnson passed the reale state test and was working in that line of work-- and falsify his work sheet's -- so thomas bannach and gregroy v johnson defrauded the remaining employee's 
nine months … later … i was drummed out….
when… Thermotron’s Human Resourses..people like tamera kennedy…

Elaine Johnson
they called me up and asked … what i wanted for my
5….YEAR AWARD…???…!!!!
i asked them… and said…
i think i am being drummed out by thomas bannach…
because gregory v johnson… is stealing more and lying with new lies…
but everyone… denies… they are the problem…
So thermotron Human Resourses….
why don’t you … call up thomas bannach… and ask him….

thomas bannach….ALWAYS …LIES…… 2…..ME!!!!

ya it’s like talking to a Sales …Man….
As mike… Barrs… said… when i was later working at Russles Technicial Products..
“If a sales …man…lips are moving… then U know he is lying…
and at thermotron…

 lying… cheating…deceiving.. and defrauding people…
is the game plan…
as the bible says….. the thermotron thief comes to “lie, cheat , and stealing-- because embeZzling is FREE

Friday, December 11, 2015

thermotron -- How To Identify A Deceiver-- Woe to those who call evil good and good evil,

Thermotron - I Am So Smart- but they told me to lie!!

yes the different managers at thermotron bragged that everyone -- is required to believe their lies--

and as Thomas Patterson said-- If you don't go --along-with-the- lies--

WELL then they will attack YOU

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.............Isaiah 5:20

Joyce P. Palmer –

- the 1st person
thomas W Bannach drummed out
and harassed Thermotron

-- where we treat you like family

Thermotron drumed out everyone in the San-jose office-- starting with—

Thomas Bannach bragged he could defraud his co workers-
that is is ok to lie cheat and defraud—and if you don’t agree—
than well YOU –have an attitude problem—

And OH I didn’t know you were that KIND..

Thomas bannach would then tell other employee’s to “make it hard “ on you, and
when Roger cannady and associates was contacted –
his answer was “ Well I will accept your resignation” if you don’t like the way things are..

And When human Resources at thermotron was contacted—well they were “really bussy”
So Dick McKleny Thermotron National Sales Manager was contacted-- and the Field Service Engineer who was a co-worker of Joyce--
asked why thomas Bannach and his associates were spreading lies about her??
because Employee harrasment at thermotron was a covert -- management method
Dick McKendy appoligzed to her-- but she was wise to decided to quit-- realizing they did not want her there-

3 years later Thomas Bannach had Harry Grace-- brag to his co workers that -- Thomas Bannach intended to harrass her and drumb her out--
Yes at thermotron the ends justify the means

And because Thomas bannach liked to call his co-workers GAY behind their back—
he would make some snide comment about “their Character--

And oh is that what you are??

- even the last person to leave was Harry Grace—

when Dick McKinley the national sales manager was contacted –about Joyce Palmer

- and was informed that thomas bannach , and Bo Bjarno was lying and harassing her-
- he apologized -- but she quit any way-

- (wise woman that she was)

Over the next 2 years -- the support staff only lasted from 4 to 6 months—

and as Virgina Norris said-- Well if they are going to lible and slander you well –

- i Quitting also--
- Yes at thermotron-- being a lying pervert and slander is considered "normal"

Yes in Holland Michigan – being church going QUEER or a PERVERT is protected and is encouraged,

Not so with people who don’t fit in
as Mark Lamers says—GOOD people don’t work at thermotron for too long!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

thermotron management Rent-A-Retort/Hire-A-Harpie- harassment is OK

thermotron management - Destination - your time as a thermotron lier and thief


Detect Lies Like LIE TO ME! - Scam School-- Thermotron management training--


sure -- get your training at thermotron-- with thomas bannach and

roger cannady and his associates-- as Gregory V Johnson -- bragged that it's ok to lie-- cheat-- steal and rob your co workers and the customer--

Hil sybesma said he had the same problem as thomas bannach-- and they went to each others "church"

Dave Water field -- the roger cannady "replacement" said that the offices that roger cannady and associates -- managed -- stood out "like a sour thumb"

because of the robbery thief and embezzlement-- and Roger cannady -- denied to on "one" single field service engineer man on the west coast that asked him about the embezzlement!!

Roger cannady and thomas Bannach -- then libled and slander that Man-- for asking a "question " like that!!

yes After that  that MAN   was "drumed out"   he worked worked at Russles technical Products--

and when Bill Bench asked why he left Thermotron employment--

Bill Bench was "surprised " that he said that thomas bannach and his gang-- HAD a problem with--

lying cheating stealing and back stabbing his co workers

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

thermotron management training - Do I Look Like An Idiot?-- Ask the Prez....

About 1,810,000 results

Thursday, November 19, 2015

thermotron management training--Hurray! A Journalist Actually Questioned Obama's Leadership!

employee Harrasment was common at thermotron

Human Resource's was just a rubber stamp gang at thermotron

The manager's at thermotron bragged that they could lible and slander the co-worker and every-1 would believe their lies..

At All Temp engineering mitch Kerr referred to it as

"Digging for dirt on the employee" The West Coast was a "Den of Liars and Thieves"

Mitch Kerr was asked if the "Embezzlement rate" was as high when he was there,

the average amount was about 10,000 dollars a year, this was to compensate the "low wages" and the policy of "no raises" at thermotron.

Dean tripp said " it no longer mattered if you did a Good job or a Bad job, anymore!

Ask Daniel J. O'Keefe what the embezzlement rate is or the new "liar" in his place.

1 comment:

Jimmie Menon said...
That is so funny to hear that somewhere it is common practice to harassment an employee. It is a crime now and the conditions of workers have been getting better every year.

Jimmie Menon
Payroll Providers Guelph

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

thermotron High School Enemies holland michigan church training

thermotron High School Enemies- management training

thermotron management training find something 2 blame Training with Elaine Johnson

when thomas bannach was on the west coast– he said “it’s Ok to lie cheat steal embezzle and defraud everyone–”
BECAUSE they are all corrupt– Gregory V Johnson bragged how he and Thomas Bannach libeled and slandered and drummed out all their co workers–
Gergory V Johnson said he “knew” that Thomas Bannach was not going to give a job review to his co worker’s because — He was “told by Thomas Bannach to “MAKE-IT-HARD- on the employee’s
and harass them–
because “conspiracy with intent to defraud – the employee — is the thermotron style

thermotron management-- Funny Field service Moments South Park- mocking your co workers is fun

Yes 4 more than 30 years — Mitch Kerr has been involved with thermotron and field service — repair–

Mitch kerr tried to be the replacement sales man — in the San Jose offf and replace Bill Sloningter. Who had moved to the seattle office — Mitch Kerr asked th then Predesent Daniel J okeefe — if there was opportunity for advancement —
and Daniel Joke-efe — said sure — for some people — (but not 4 mitch kerr) — so Thermotron Human Resoursed — hired a sales DOOR KNOCKER w/o any experience — and Mitch Kerr — said HUH??? what the F+*ck !!
so he hustled a Job at ENSECO — and thomas bannach — offered him a 0.25 cent raise — to stay — at thermotron–
and 30 years later he is still in the game–
and hil said that he was a liar and a deceiver because “he is a company man”

and besides — embezzlement is called working the system 
and his Replacement Gregory V Johnson– hired by Thomas Bannach — spen 3 years robbing and embezzling al he could–
Yes– as mitch kerr said– field service training at thermotron and thomas Bannach — was — just a WIPPING BOY- 
 who — the manager could put the blame on — and as thoMAS BANNACH SAID– BURN THEM OUT AND REPLACE THEM WITH ANOTHER ASS–HOLE
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