Friday, December 11, 2015

thermotron -- How To Identify A Deceiver-- Woe to those who call evil good and good evil,

Thermotron - I Am So Smart- but they told me to lie!!

yes the different managers at thermotron bragged that everyone -- is required to believe their lies--

and as Thomas Patterson said-- If you don't go --along-with-the- lies--

WELL then they will attack YOU

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.............Isaiah 5:20

Joyce P. Palmer –

- the 1st person
thomas W Bannach drummed out
and harassed Thermotron

-- where we treat you like family

Thermotron drumed out everyone in the San-jose office-- starting with—

Thomas Bannach bragged he could defraud his co workers-
that is is ok to lie cheat and defraud—and if you don’t agree—
than well YOU –have an attitude problem—

And OH I didn’t know you were that KIND..

Thomas bannach would then tell other employee’s to “make it hard “ on you, and
when Roger cannady and associates was contacted –
his answer was “ Well I will accept your resignation” if you don’t like the way things are..

And When human Resources at thermotron was contacted—well they were “really bussy”
So Dick McKleny Thermotron National Sales Manager was contacted-- and the Field Service Engineer who was a co-worker of Joyce--
asked why thomas Bannach and his associates were spreading lies about her??
because Employee harrasment at thermotron was a covert -- management method
Dick McKendy appoligzed to her-- but she was wise to decided to quit-- realizing they did not want her there-

3 years later Thomas Bannach had Harry Grace-- brag to his co workers that -- Thomas Bannach intended to harrass her and drumb her out--
Yes at thermotron the ends justify the means

And because Thomas bannach liked to call his co-workers GAY behind their back—
he would make some snide comment about “their Character--

And oh is that what you are??

- even the last person to leave was Harry Grace—

when Dick McKinley the national sales manager was contacted –about Joyce Palmer

- and was informed that thomas bannach , and Bo Bjarno was lying and harassing her-
- he apologized -- but she quit any way-

- (wise woman that she was)

Over the next 2 years -- the support staff only lasted from 4 to 6 months—

and as Virgina Norris said-- Well if they are going to lible and slander you well –

- i Quitting also--
- Yes at thermotron-- being a lying pervert and slander is considered "normal"

Yes in Holland Michigan – being church going QUEER or a PERVERT is protected and is encouraged,

Not so with people who don’t fit in
as Mark Lamers says—GOOD people don’t work at thermotron for too long!!

1 comment:

  1. Pretty boy Patterson manager training
    April 19, 2022
    When John tembrink worked with thermotron he begged Bob Wiley to allow him to attend the thermotron training seminar and stop working at Boeing military installation of solder job of 6 chamber, which he all ready spent 4 months in Kansas soldering pipe, so John tembrink went to the week long seminar and spend the week running around Holland Michigan getting customers to get "drunk" with him. So
    Bob Wiley said he wasn't going to get the certificate and celebrate completion of training.
    He said he hopes John tembrink didn't work like that at at Boeing military installation ,which as dick alverson said he was.
    It's interesting about t

    Thermotron and the people who have worked there, and the philosophy of the managers leaders and employee, John tembrink and Tom Patterson and Randy hurtus and Fred plont and Donald bench the president John Sexton replaced and worked on the equipment and they were not going to have to be skilled, Holland Michigan religious traditions have a strong influence on behavior, how to feel good about being bad just get the customer to sign off on the equipment it's under Warranty.

    John tembrink
    March 28, 2022
    Thomas Bannach had 30 years as a thermotron employee–
    and 3 years as a manager on the west coast — he provoted lying,cheating sateal , embexxleing, miss-leading the customer and co workers– so he could assassinate their character — and murder them–
    Gregory V Johnson — bragged how — as a false wittness — he and Bannach– libled ,slandered- all the employee’s in that office–
    and how he robbed the customers and his co workers– but he said he wasn’t as big of a thief as Hil Sybesma– thomas bannach’s church going holland michigan embezzlerImage
    He went on to ENSECO chamber company– where it only took 3 or 4 months — to get fired there– and as Marty Bunn said he went to his house on the weekend to find him– and fire him–
    talk to Tanera Kennedy or
    Elaine Johnson at THE
